There are a number of myths surrounding what is physical therapy and who can benefit from it. Here is a short list of these myths:
I need a referral to see a Physical Therapist This Myth has been busted!
Physical Therapy is only for people who don’t exercise This Myth has been busted!
Physical Therapy is only for people after surgery (We’re tackling this one today!)
Physical Therapy has to be painful
Physical therapy is only for senior citizens
And, more!
So, let’s get started by busting one of those myths right now!
This Myth is easy to bust. Here are TEN examples of various conditions that can be addressed by Physical Therapy without surgery:
Post-concussion Symptoms
Sprains and strains (joints, muscles, ligaments, etc.)
Neurological conditions – Strokes, Parkinson’s Disease, etc.
Plantar Fasciitis
Sciatica, bulging discs, stenosis, and other back pains
Chronic Pains
Partial tears (YES! It’s true – not all partial tears need to be surgically repaired!)
Impingements (shoulder, hip, nerves, etc.)
As always, if we determine that surgery is the best course for you, then we will let you know as soon as we feel certain that you are a great candidate for it.
Ready to get started? Call 517-647-1000 to find out if we are the right fit for each other. You can also get started telling us a bit about your story here.
At Health Source, we help people avoid unnecessary surgeries (shoulder, hip, knee, low back, etc.). We also help rehab individuals who have had surgeries so that they can maximize their recovery and enjoy life again.
Our specialized clinicians look at your body through the lenses of Mechanics (how are things moving), Neuromuscular Engagement (how efficiently your muscles are working), and Motor Control (coordinating your body so that you can get back to doing what you want to do). This involves comprehensive evaluations, hands-on care, education, movement re-training, and individually tailored exercises to help you fully recover.