Category: physical therapy

A man undergoing physical therapy treatment Jan10th 2023

Searching for a Natural, Long-Lasting Form of Pain Relief? Try Physical Therapy!

Is your long-term or chronic pain holding you back? Do your constant aches and pains prevent you from living your life to the fullest? No worries, physical therapy is a pain-free natural way to long lasting pain relief. At Health Source Physical Therapy in Portland, MI we understand how difficult it can be to live

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A couple doing physical therapy program Dec20th 2022

5 Methods for Reducing Pain and Increasing Energy

Are aches and pains disrupting your daily routine? If you’re in need of fast-acting pain relief so you can get back to living your life, physical therapy can help. In physical therapy, you’ll gain access to a customizable treatment program that will provide pain-relief and help combat fatigue. Our highly trained physical therapists have successfully

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Dec10th 2022

Optimize Your Athletic Performance and Reduce Recovery Time with Therapeutic Massage

If you are an athlete, you likely already understand the importance of maintaining good health, especially when it comes to competing in the sport you love. But did you know that working with an experienced physical therapist can hugely improve your athletic performance and your overall health, especially when you’re recovering from an injury? When

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